Wellcome to National Portal
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How to come

Distance 50 km from Mymensingh by bus on Kishoreganj road. One can travel from Mymensingh by CNG or auto or other vehicles. From Mymensingh, you can get down at Atharbari station by train and reach Nandail by CNG or auto rickshaw, which is only 9 km away. And if you are coming via Kishoreganj, you can come by bus or CNG. You can also come from Dhaka by train or bus via Mymensingh or Gafargao.
Postal communication

Upazila Social Service Office, Nandail, Mymensingh.

Upazila Post Code: 2290

Online communication

Online Communication:

Website: dss.nandail.mymensingh.gov.bd

Email: usso.nandail@dss.gov.bd

Document: https://dss.nanadail.mymensingh.nothi.gov.bd

Mobile: 01708415010 Phone: 02996674782

Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100053808462237&mibextid=ZbWKwL