Wellcome to National Portal
Main Comtent Skiped

সিটিজেন চার্টার

Upazila Social Service Office, Nandail, Mymensingh

Citizen's Charter/Service Commitment

1. Services promised

serial no

Name of service provided

Required documents/media

Service charges and

Payment Method/Honor Scheme

Period of service

Officer in Charge

(Name, Phone and Email)


Old Age Allowance

1. National Identity Card

2. Mobile number with active cash account

3. Online application for receipt of allowance

Payment of allowance to the mobile of the mobile financial company through cash by the mobile financial company by entering the information of the beneficiary in the MIS management. The service is free.

03 months/ every three months allowance is paid

Designation: Upazila Social Service Officer

Mobile: 01708415010



Widows and widowed women's allowance

1. National Identity Card

2. Mobile number with active cash account

3. Online application for receipt of allowance

4. Online Certificate of Death of Husband

Payment of allowance to the mobile of the mobile financial company through cash by the mobile financial company by entering the information of the beneficiary in the MIS management. The service is free.

03 months/ every three months allowance is paid


Indigent Disability Allowance

1. National Identity Card/Birth Registration Certificate

2. Mobile number with active cash account

3. Golden citizen's identity card

4. Online application for receipt of allowance

  Payment of allowance to the mobile of the annuitant through mobile financial company cash through the entry of the information of the annuitant in the MIS management. The service is free.

03 months/ every three months allowance is paid


  Special allowance for backward communities

1. National Identity Card

2. Mobile number with active cash account

3. Online application/application in prescribed application form for receipt of allowance

Payment of allowance to the mobile of the annuitant through mobile financial company cash through the entry of the information of the annuitant in the MIS management. The service is free.

03 months/ every three months allowance is paid


Hijra Allowance

1. National Identity Card

2. Mobile number with active cash account

3. Online application/application in prescribed application form for receipt of allowance

Payment of allowance to the mobile of the annuitant through mobile financial company cash through the entry of the information of the annuitant in the MIS management. The service is free.

03 months/ every three months allowance is paid


Disability Education Scholarship

1. National Identity Card/Birth Certificate

2. Golden citizen's identity card

3. Online application/application in prescribed application form for receipt of allowance

Payment of allowance to the mobile of the annuitant through mobile financial company cash through the entry of the information of the annuitant in the MIS management. The service is free.

03 months/ every three months allowance is paid


Rural Social Service (RSS) activities

1. Attested copy of National Identity Card

2. Photo 02 copies

3. Survey form

4. Application Form

free of charge

Maximum 05 days after approval in PIC meeting


Rural Mother Center activities

1. Attested copy of National Identity Card

2. Photo 02 copies

3. Survey form

4. Application Form

free of charge

Maximum 05 days after approval in PIC meeting


Burns and disabled rehabilitation programs

1. Attested copy of National Identity Card

2. Photo 02 copies

3. Survey form

4. Application Form

5. Golden citizen's identity card

free of charge

Maximum 05 days after approval in PIC meeting


Capitation Grant

1. A resident of a registered private orphanage

2. There should be at least 10 orphans.

free of charge

03 months/6 months


Registration of Voluntary Organizations

1. Pre-Registration Form (Filled)

2. Attested copy of National Identity Card of President, Secretary

3. Photo of active members

free of charge

30 days


Financial assistance to patients suffering from cancer/kidney/liver cirrhosis/paralyzed by stroke/congenital heart disease

1. Application Form

2. Specialist doctor's certificate

3. Voucher for medical expenses

4. Photo 02 copies

5. Attested copy of National Identity Card/Birth Certificate

free of charge

Maximum 05 days after receipt of allotment


Disability Identification Survey

1. Attested copy of National Identity Card/ Birth Certificate

2. Photo 01 copy

3. Filled survey form

free of charge

02 days


Patient Welfare Association

1. National Identity Card/Birth Registration Certificate

2. Application Form (must be admitted to hospital)

free of charge

1 hour


Probation/Child Protection

Each Upazila Social Service Officer performs the role of Probation Officer in addition to his duties. In this case, the upazila social service officer has to maintain regular contact with the police station, court.

free of charge

Immediate service delivery

2) Dear/respected aspirant/service seeker Our expectation from you

serial no

Actions to be taken to achieve the promised/desired service


Self-complete online application/submission of application


Payment of due process fees (if required)


Be present for the meeting before the scheduled time

3) Grievance Redressal Management (GRS)

If you are not satisfied with the service, please contact the responsible officer/head of office. If you don't get a solution from him, report your problem by contacting the following method:

serial no

When to contact

Who to contact?

Contact address

Settlement period


If the responsible officer/office head cannot provide solution
